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Create & manage my episodes
Find all the information about episode uploading (title, description, recommendations for audio files, scheduling, privacy, etc.).
How can I buy additional monthly transcription time?Find out how to add or remove transcription time from your subscription ⏱️
How much monthly transcription time do I have depending on my Ausha subscription?Find out how many minutes of transcription are available according to your plan! ⏱️
How do I create an episode?
Schedule or publish my episodes immediately
How do I publish an episode?Upload and customize your episode and it's distribution
How to Generate, Edit, and Export the Transcript of an Episode?With the Transcription feature, convert your episodes into text to make your content accessible to all and better indexed.
What is the required audio file size and length to publish an episode on Ausha?Discover the ideal size and audio file format for publishing your episode on Ausha. 🎧
I Can't Upload the Audio File to My Episode, What Should I Do?Discover how to correctly upload the audio files for your episodes 🎙️
How can I download the audio file for one of my published episodes?Learn how to download the audio file for one of your episodes!
How do I access the sound library available on Ausha and download music for editing my episodes?Discover how to access the music library available at Ausha and download music for your edits! 🎵
How to generate search-optimized episode descriptions with Ausha Intelligence?Learn how to generate search-optimized episode descriptions using the Ausha Intelligence option.
How to generate impactful episode titles with Ausha Intelligence?Discover how to create engaging episode titles using the Ausha Intelligence option.
How to identify the most relevant tags for each episode with Ausha Intelligence?Ausha Intelligence finds the best tags (keywords) for each of your new episodes to increase their visibility in search results for listeners
How do I Schedule an episode?
Set your episode to be published later
How do I schedule an episode?Learn how to set the date and time to schedule when your episode gets distributed ✅
Why Didn't My Scheduled Episode Publish at the Planned Time?Learn how to set your Ausha account's time zone so your scheduled episodes are published at the intended time!
How do I modify an episode?
Edit the title, artwork, audio file, privacy, and other information of my episodes after publishing on listening platforms, and learn about the time required for the changes to take effect
How do I modify an episode that has already been published?Learn how to edit episode details and content after publishing: title, audio track, description, image, chapters, etc.
I edited an episode: how long does it take for the content to get updated?How long does it take for changes to show up on listening directories? And what are the delays on the Smartplayer and the Podcast Page?
How do I manage the privacy and availability of my episodes?
How to create private episodes (limited audience) or remove them from platforms?
How do I distribute an episode to a limited audience (unlisted episode)?Find out how to create episodes accessible only to a specific audience (paying subscribers, a private community, collaborators, etc.).
How do I delete an episode from my show?Learn how to delete an episode on Ausha and find out how long it takes for listening platforms to remove it
How can I remove an episode from podcast directories but keep it private on AushaDiscover how to keep an episode on your Ausha account while making it disappear from listening directories.
How do I organize and sort my episodes?
Manage the display order of your episodes and set up seasons
How can I create seasons for my podcast and categorize my episodes in them?Discover how to organize your episodes by season and which directories allow their display. 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣
How do I change the display order of my episodes on listening platforms?Discover how to modify the display order of your episodes on listening directories.
How do I move an episode from one show to another?Learn how to move an episode from one show to another on your Ausha account
How do I segment my episodes into chapters?
Segment my episodes into chapters and discover the listening platforms that support this functionality
How do I use Chapters?How do I create, modify or delete a chapter? How do I add a link or an image to a chapter?
Which listening directories support chapters and how are they displayed?Which listening directories display your episodes’ chapters and how are they displayed?
How are chapters displayed in the Smartplayer and Ausha Podcast Page?Find out how your episodes’ chapters will be displayed on Ausha players!
How to segment your episodes into chapters with Ausha Intelligence?Automatically segment your episodes into chapters with Ausha Intelligence to enhance your listeners’ experience!