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How do I create Zapier automations that trigger with each new episode released on Ausha?

Learn how to connect Ausha to over 6,000 apps with Zapier to automate tasks with each new episode release- starting from the Supersonic plan

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over 4 months ago

With the Zapier integration, connect Ausha to over 6,000 applications to streamline your podcast management with each new episode release.

πŸ›οΈ The Zapier integration is available exclusively for Supersonic and Ausha Pro subscribers.
Learn more about Ausha plans!

How can Zapier help simplify my podcast management every time I publish an episode on Ausha?

Zapier is a tool that connects over 6,000 apps, letting you create custom automations to save time and boost efficiency! 🎯

With the Ausha x Zapier integration, you can set up unlimited automations (called "Zaps") that will automatically activate with each new episode release on Ausha, helping you easily manage your podcast.

πŸš€ By connecting Ausha to Zapier, you can:

  • Automate repetitive tasks that you currently do manually every time you publish an episode πŸ”„
    πŸ’‘ For example: instantly notify your community on Discord or Slack whenever a new episode is released, so your biggest fans are the first to tune in.

  • Increase your podcast’s visibility with promotional actions you’ve been too busy to tackle" πŸ“ˆ
    πŸ’‘ For example: send a Mailchimp newsletter with the episode link to your full subscriber list to drive downloads in the first few hours.

  • Organize your workflow and free up valuable time that you can dedicate to creating more content ⏱️
    πŸ’‘ For example: automatically inform your team about a new episode on Teams with a quick summary, or update your episode status in management tools like Asana or Trello.

How do I set up a Zapier automation that will activate with each new episode published on Ausha

On Zapier, you can create "Zaps": automations with other apps that will activate whenever an event occurs. βš™οΈ

With the Ausha x Zapier integration, the event here will be the release of a new episode on Ausha. πŸŽ™οΈ

To better understand how to set up an automation between Zapier and Ausha, let’s use an example. Imagine you have a Slack community of your most loyal listeners. πŸ’¬
​Here are the steps to set up an automation between Ausha and the 6,000+ other apps connected to Zapier! 🧭 πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‰ Step 1: Create a (free or paid) account on, then from your Zapier dashboard, click + Create and select Zap.
You can now start creating your automation!



πŸ‘‰ Step 2: First, set the Trigger (the event that starts the automation), which here will be the release of a new episode on Ausha.
Click Trigger, then search for and select Ausha πŸ’œ


πŸ‘‰ Step 3: Choose the Event (the specific trigger of the automation), titled New episode. πŸŽ‰

πŸ‘‰ Step 4: Connect your Ausha account by clicking Connect new Account.
A new tab will open and prompt you for an API Key (your access key for your Ausha account).

πŸ‘‰ Step 5: Open your Ausha dashboard in a new tab, go to the My Account section (from the menu at the top right), and h to Public API.

Here, you can generate the Ausha API access key needed by Zapier to connect to your account. πŸ”‘

  • Enter a name of your choice in the Application Name field (only visible to you for organization purposes).

  • Specify an Expiration Date (we recommend setting it as far in the future as possible to avoid needing to regenerate a token).

  • Click Generate.

  • ⚠️ Immediately copy the new access key (using the Copy button), as it will no longer be displayed afterward. ⚠️


πŸ‘‰ Step 6: Return to the Allow Zapier to access your Ausha Account? tab, paste the access key you copied into the API Key field, and click Continue to Ausha.

The tab will automatically close once the connection is successful. Return to the Zapier tab where you were creating your automation.


πŸ‘‰ Step 7: Click Continue after connecting your Ausha account with the API key, then select the show you want to connect from the Show menu.
Click Continue again and test the connection if you would like! βœ…

πŸ‘‰ Step 8: Now, choose the app with which you would like to automate an action.
To do this, click on Action and search for the app of your choice (in this example, Slack).

In our example, we want a message to be posted in a public channel of our Slack community, so we’ll choose Send Channel Message.

πŸ‘‰ Step 9: Set up and customize the action or content that will be automated with each new episode release, using the dynamic information available (episode title, listen link, etc.).
​In our example, we customize the message by adding dynamic information by clicking on + at the top right of the Message Text field.


πŸ‘‰ Step 10: Test your automation to ensure everything works correctly, then click Continue to finalize the setup. πŸ”

πŸ‘‰ Step 11: Complete your automation by clicking Publish! πŸš€

And that’s it! You’ve set up an automation between Ausha and Zapier to save time with each new episode release! πŸŽ‰

πŸ“š Discover more ideas for using Zapier to streamline your podcast management in our blog post.

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