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How will my episode videos look on YouTube?

Find out what your episode videos will look like on YouTube

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over 2 months ago

Now you might be wondering - what will my podcast’s episodes will look like on this platform? You’ve come to the right place!

First of all, we would like to remind you that YouTube is not a podcast-listening platform but rather a video-sharing platform. Therefore, we cannot upload audio-only files to YouTube. In other words, the audio files uploaded to Ausha need to be reworked as YouTube accepts only video files.

Ausha generates video files so that you can distribute your episodes on YouTube. 📺

To do so, we use the content you added to the episode (audio file, image, title, description, etc.) for each episode to distribute and we integrate these elements into the generated video, along with a sound wave visual that matches the audio. Images speak louder than words, so here’s an example video to illustrate:

In this video, you will spot:

  • On the top of the screen: the title and episode image.

  • On the bottom of the screen: a colored audiogram, rippling to the rhythm of your episode’s audio.

Now you know what your podcast’s episodes will look like on YouTube!

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