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Where can I find my Gaana listen link?

Learn how to get the URL for your podcast page on Gaana.

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over a week ago

Where can I find my Gaana listen link?

Is your podcast distributed on Gaana, and you want to share your listen link to your listeners? Or do you want to add the link to your Ausha distribution settings (if you came from another podcast hosting service)?

To find the link for your podcast page on Gaana:

2/ In the search bar at the top of the page, type in your podcast’s name to search for it.

3/ From the search top results, click on your podcast to go to its dedicated page on Gaana.

4/ You will see your podcast’s Gaana page, where listeners can tune into your episodes. Hit the Share button (via the 3 vertical dots icon) and then Copy Link!

You can also copy the URL displayed on the top bar of your navigator (in other words, you want to grab the link to this webpage)!

There you have it! You have obtained your podcast’s listen link on Gaana. 🎉

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