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How do I distribute my podcast on Deezer from Ausha?

Learn how to activate your podcast’s distribution on Deezer from Ausha

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over 2 months ago

Before You Start

👉 Important: To activate distribution, your podcast must have at least one publicly visible, published episode. Podcasts with only planned or draft episodes cannot be distributed. For more details, check out: How do I distribute my podcast on listening platforms?

👉 Distribution on Podchaser is available only if your show’s language is English.

Steps to Distribute Your Podcast on Deezer from Ausha

Distributing your podcast on Deezer is simple with Ausha. Just follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Access your Ausha account.

  2. Navigate to Settings: In the main menu, click Settings.

  3. Go to Distribution: In the left-side vertical menu, select Distribution.

  4. Activate Podchaser: Locate the Podchaser box and click Distribute.

  5. Confirm Distribution: When prompted, click Distribute to Deezer to confirm.

💡 Note: If your podcast is already distributed on Deezer, refer to this article to ensure all required steps for a successful transfer to Ausha have been completed.

What Happens Next?

  • Once confirmed, a URL for your show’s listen page on Deezer will appear. Congratulations! Your podcast is now on its way to Deezer's listeners. 🚀

  • Allow several hours for your show and its episodes to appear on Deezer.

  • 🎉 From now on, all new episodes published on Ausha will automatically be published on Deezer! 🥳

💡 Note: Distribution to Deezer may not be instantaneous. There may be a delay of several hours for new episodes to appear, depending on Deezer's update process.

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